Is Pete Tong a Freemason, a member of the Illuminati, a puppet of the Illuminati or just an ordinary person with absolutely no connection to the Illuminati? Let's look at the evidence.
The statements in this post are the personal opinions of the blog authors and must not be taken as fact. Please do your own research.
The statements in this post are the personal opinions of the blog authors and must not be taken as fact. Please do your own research.
What we need to look for, for one thing, are single eye photos. These can be made by hiding one eye in shadow, with a hat, by looking to the side, with the hand, by winking, by dissecting the photo in Photoshop or by highlighting one eye. The single eye represents the all-seeing eye of god, but also the all knowing of the Illuminati, or so they think. In modern times, it can also refer to Big Brother watching over you as a replacement for a god watching over you. If the single eye is ever used alongside anything to do with barcodes, RFID, etc, then you can be fairly sure the Illuminati is involved as they have a New World Order in mind.
We also need to look for black and white checkerboard patterns or a preference for black and white as this can indicate a Freemasonry design and is often used by the initiates to let other initiates know they are Freemasons. It's a nudge-nudge wink wink thing. Not very egalitarian. Certainly not what you would expect from your heroised house music dj. But the truth is often stranger than fiction.
We also need to look for pyramids or triangles as these can represent the pyramids of Giza. Yes, the Illuminati believes in the ancient mysteries of the Egyptians. They believe in Seth. While the rest of the world is waking up to the inauthenticity of the thousands of ancient gods, deities, demons and mythical monsters, the Illuminati is reveling in the stuff. They are, in fact, far more religious than your average Anglican choir master. But it's secret you see and only the elites are allowed to know about it so they have convinced themselves and their eager egos that they have been endowed with the truth. They are something special, we are not. This is something you must keep in mind.
So look out for single eyes, pyramids, triangles, black and white checks, references to mythology and light being cast onto the dj, the latter indicating the dj is the light of the world or god-like. Looks of 'Ha ha, I'm better than you you sucker' are also a strong hint, although not conclusive, as are somber and serious photos. Let's face it, being into the occult is not going to make you a bundle of fun now is it?
It's really not that hard to spot Illuminati puppets, pawns and fools, oops, minions, because their creativity is as inflexible as it is in any religion. That means its symbolism, style and output won't change a great deal. They have their beliefs, they have their aims and they will not amend anything until they achieve them. So what we must look for today is not far off what we would have looked for decades ago. Back then the people who thought they were Seth's chosen people pulled exactly the same kinds of faces, gave the same hand signs and created the same style promotional material. That could be one of the reasons why electronic dance music has not changed a great deal in twenty years. They really are stuck in a style rut, but that makes them easy to spot.
It's really not that hard to spot Illuminati puppets, pawns and fools, oops, minions, because their creativity is as inflexible as it is in any religion. That means its symbolism, style and output won't change a great deal. They have their beliefs, they have their aims and they will not amend anything until they achieve them. So what we must look for today is not far off what we would have looked for decades ago. Back then the people who thought they were Seth's chosen people pulled exactly the same kinds of faces, gave the same hand signs and created the same style promotional material. That could be one of the reasons why electronic dance music has not changed a great deal in twenty years. They really are stuck in a style rut, but that makes them easy to spot.
Anyway, back to Pete Tong. Let's look at the evidence.
Pete Tong - Illuminati?
Oh dear, not a good start for Pete Tong. The Illuminati loves to wear or use black
and white checks in clothing, flooring, set design, etc.
Pete Tong -Freemason
Pete Tong - Freemason
Pete Tong - Illuminati
Pete Tong again in black and white checkerboard but much younger suggesting a very early initiation into the elite cult. He doesn't look happy does he?
Pete Tong - Illuminati?
A one-eyed look. Of course, someone in the Illuminati might have got the photographer to get him to do this but as Pete is at the top of his game it would be unusual if he was being told what to do in his photos.
Pete Tong - Illuminati
Pete Tong - Illuminati
More emphasis on one eye.
Pete Tong - Illuminati?
One-eyed look.

This photo of Pete Tong is a big Freemasonry/Illuminati giveaway as it not only contains triangles but also butterflies, which often represent Monarch Mind Control, something we suspect many DJS, musicians, actors, etc, have been subjected to to get them programmed to be New World Order adherents.
Pete Tong - Illuminati?
Making a pyramid shape with his hands. Dodgy. To other people it would look like praying hands so why would a dj want to make it look like he was praying? Not a cool look is it? Could be meaningless but it looks too intentional to us.
Pete Tong - Illuminati?
What kind of photographer would take someone's photo with a light shining behind them? Either a really bad one or one working for the Illuminati. The Illumed ones are sometimes illuminated by a light. This indicates their god-hood. They are 'as gods'. That is because they know lots of magic tricks that you don't know so they think they're pretty special. They also see themselves as rulers, or manipulators, of the world...or at least of the people who open up their minds to whatever they wish to pour into them via various mediums. Yahweh, the god of the Hebrews, was said to be the light of Israel. Does this photo indicate Pete Tong is a light of the Illuminati? You decide.
Pete Tong - Illuminati?
Oh no...another light near his head.
Pete Tong - Illuminati
Pete Tong - Illuminati
Pete Tong - Illuminati
Pete Tong - Illuminati
Pete Tong - Illuminati
Pete Tong - Illuminati
He knows what the photographer is doing. He's having a laugh at your expense.
Pete Tong - Illuminati?
Triangles big and small plus butterflies. Monarch mind control butterflies?
Pete Tong - Illuminati
Pete Tong's hierarchical house music summit-come-straights in suits organisation
has a triangle for its logo. Well, what else?
Pete Tong - Illuminati
Spring Awakening chose to squash the S into the A to make a pyramid.
In addition, the R and K are dragged down in points and the W is dragged upwards.
This signifies 'as above, so below' the Satanic mantra.
Pete Tong - Illuminati
Notice the triangles in the Framework logo.
Pete Tong - Illuminati
Background triangles. Some pointed up, some pointed down. If you were to combine these up and down triangles you would get a Star of David.
Pete Tong - Illuminati
If you were a dj who had started off something designed to get the world to live in peace, love and harmony, would you be the type to wear a skull top? Black and white too.
Pete Tong - Illuminati?
Pete Tong's Twitter photo is in the same style as Carl Cox's Revolution logo plus the United Nations logo. Coincidence?
Pete Tong - Illuminati
They want you to be unthinking dummies. Don't ask question. Don't think. Obey.
Pete Tong - Illuminati?
Barcoding. Is this what the rave scene was all about? Turning human beings into products? Why would someone who was there more or less at the start of the electronic dance music scene want to be associated
with something so inhumane? Because a cashless society of people enslaved to the global elite bankers is on the way and Pete Tong is knowingly or otherwise endorsing this crisis of humanity.
Pete Tong -Illuminati
More barcodes representing the coming cashless society endorsed by the Pied Piper of music - Pete Tong. What a great guy? Leading the kids to their own destruction. How does he sleep at night? No wonder he always looks so miserable.
Pete Tong - Illuminati?
The one-eyed look again.
Pete Tong - Illuminati
If you were to stare at the black flower shape for a minute and then look at a white wall you would see a sun. This symbol was used by the film Clockwork Orange, which was about the occult.
Lots of single eyes above Pete Tong looking at the audience at Cafe Mambo.
Pete Tong - Illuminati
More multiple personality suggesting imagery here.
Pete Tong - Illuminati
Here we see potential evidence of a factured personality as seen many other times with other DJs. This factured personality can be induced via Monarch mind control, which is a trauma based method of splitting a person's personality into numerous compartments, each eventually being designated a different character. Characters can be triggered by a handler to perform a needed task. Each character can be programmed to behave in a certain way.
Pete Tong - Illuminati
More multiple personality suggesting imagery here.
The image above is from the video 'Need to feel loved'. This image shows a man with an Eye of Horus tattoo, which is very significant to Freemasons and the Illuminati.
Pete Tong calls himself 'the pied piper of dance' on his Twitter page. Is he aware the Pied Piper led all the children away never to be seen again, possibly to their deaths?
So, Pete, it does not look good. But we would be all ears if you wanted to talk.
We, the good people of Ibiza, want answers.
Has it all gone Pete Wrong?
Please read the blog's opening post.
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