Sven Vath Illuminati?
Is Sven Vath Illuminati? One sign the members of the Illuminati like to use to signify their membership to the cult is the one-eyed look. This can be achieved in various ways including covering one eye with the hand, closing one eye, looking to the side, having one eye in shadow, highlighting the eye with make-up and hiding the eye with a hat.
The statements in this blog post are the personal opinions of the blog authors and must not be taken as fact.
The one-eyed look originated from the Eye of Horus, the Eye of Providence, the Eye of Shiva and any other eye that signified the all seeing eye of a god. The modern day use of the eye might suggest 'Big Brother' watching you. Big Brother, in the form of social media/CCTV/RFID, has replaced the all-seeing eye of an imaginary god. The Illuminati uses the all-seeing eye because the end game is a One World Order in which everyone is brain washed, electronically tagged via an RFID chip and remote monitored. Hardly disco is it?
Please bare in mind that some Illuminati puppets will be told to hide an eye and will not know the significance. A good indicator of a person who is Illuminati is if it is obvious it is their intention to hide an eye and if it looks as though they are making a mockery of those 'not in the know'.
Let's see how many times Sven Vath has been photographed with the one-eyed look.
Sven Vath

Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Sven Vath

Sven Vath
Sven Vath
Now it is also possible Sven Vath just has a squint or keeps getting dirt in his eye, or maybe he has a facial tic that makes him close one eye.
Sven Vath
The checkerboard floor, usually in black and white, is indicative of Freemasonry.
Please post a comment with links to any other photos that suggest either Sven Vath is
Illuminati or he has a bad squint.
Please read the blog's opening post.
ReplyDeleteHey hey.....he has a bad wink tic going on the poor man. We''ll add that one to the list. Thank you!
DeleteThere is more to that picture I sended you - the other guy on the picture is his brother Mike Vaeth and he wears a V on his head - well this has a hidden meaning - please read this or this
ReplyDeleteAlso he did a techno tarot - 1997 hatten Andrea Chiappa und ich eine Ausstellung namens „Tightrope Walk (Gratwanderung) – Das Technotarot“. Wir hatten die großen Arkana der Tarotkarten neu interpretiert und auf der Burg Falkenstein bei Kronberg im Taunus uraufgeführt. or look at wikipedia anyone familiar with the occut meanings of tarot woulod probably see some very new connections to the the harlequin that Mr Vaeth likes to play on the checkerboard and by the way - illuminati lifestyle seems to be not to healthy looking at those pics here (-:,_Salt_%26_Pepper,_Pforzheim,_Germany