Bassnectar Illuminati ?
Is the EDM dj Bassnectar a member of the Illuminati, an Illuminati puppet or just an ordinary person with no known involvement in the cult? A devil hand sign and the all-seeing eye in one photo would suggest he is Illuminati....but we need more evidence. Let's see if Bassnectar has been rumbled.
The statements in this post are the personal opinions of the blog authors and must therefore not be taken as fact. Please do your own research.
Bassnectar is not going to like this post because it seems accusations of Illuminati involvement are a regular problem for him to overcome, according to Your EDM.
Your EDM: Due to some of his past cover art, a handful of people are convinced that Bassnectar is a member of the Illuminati.'
A sign of someone caught with their pants down is if they childishly or aggressively insult the accusers rather than sympathise with them and defend themselves with manners.
Bassnectar: i have come to the conclusion that if you think i am in anyway a part of the illuminatti then you are:
A. People 14 years old and younger
B. the Painfully Misinformed
C. desperately bored conspiracy theorists
D. all of the above
E. all of the above, except D
B. the Painfully Misinformed
C. desperately bored conspiracy theorists
D. all of the above
E. all of the above, except D
I don’t even personally believe that this secret society exists, and if it does, I am not a member, although to piss you all off I would become a member if i could. Then I would start spying on you, and doing creepy Immuniattish things like controlling your destinty and making you listen to EDM and stuff.
More at Your EDM.
Now if we at AI were correct in thinking these words are the words of someone peed off with being caught red handed (how dare we forget our place?!), what this dj god has said would be very revealing. If he was a knowing member of the Illuminati, above is what you call 'voluntary disclosure'. The Illuminati is gradually revealing itself and it likes to admit to things it's done or is going to do, so if they say something then you'd better believe it. So if Bassnectar is Illuminati, we can assume the cult already spies on us, does creepy control things to make us behave in ways that will direct our destiny towards their goals and EDM is a vehicle for all of this.
One thing that made us laugh here is this...'I don’t even personally believe that this secret society exists.' How could a big name dj not know it exists? How could a big name dj not have noticed the single eyes, the triangles, the pyramids, the butterflies, the mirrors, the Baphomets, the hand signs, the pentograms, the 666 signs, the Masonic pillars, the black and white checkerboard pattern, the lights pointing to the dj, the transhumanism?
Bassnectar logo
The Bassnectar logo looks suspiciously like the United Nations logo, one of Pete Tong's logos and the Freemason symbol. An odd club that one isn't it? Who would have thought?
Bassnectar logo
This artwork, to our suspicious eyes, looks like the modern version of the all-knowing one inbetween two Masonic columns. The speakers are now representative of the columns and these sideways logos are not only representative of the speakers but also the Masonic our opinion. This modernisation of the Masonic symbol to fit the dj can be seen elsewhere.
Masonic plaque.
The dj is now the god. He has the power in his button twiddling fingers to manipulate the masses using subliminal messages, with the help of the people with the real power. You are puppets on strings when you get deeply into EDM but so too are the djs. They are the puppets of their masters too. Of course, not all djs would sell out for money, women, yachts, awards, residencies, etc . Only the sociopathic and manically ego-driven ones. Maybe Bassnectar is a really nice chap.
Bassnectar looking Satanic.
Not an atheist but an anti-Jesus person. In other words, a Satanist. Could that be true?

One eye highlighted. 666 hand sign.

Bassnectar - Illuminati?
Double devil hand sign.
Bassnectar - Illuminati?
Someone poked you in the eye?
Bassnectar Illuminati ?
That looks like an eye Bassnectar! Did you realise that?
Bassnectar Illuminati?
You want to get that hair cut. It covers one eye. We're sure you didn't intend for that to happen.
Bassnectar Illuminati?
Windy day?
Bassnectar Illuminati?
Did we at AI need a magnifying glass to find any evidence of Bassnectar being affiliated with the Illuminati?
Bassnectar Illuminati?
Oh dear. It does not look good. No, we're not talking about your reflection Bassnectar! Calm down. We're talking about the fragmented mirror, which could....could....symbolise the use of mirrors in Monarch mind control, which creates multiple personalities.
Bassnectar Illuminati?
Not only a single eye (all-seeing eye of, in Freemasonry, knowing) plus the wing things sticking out on each side resemble the winged sun, which is an occult/Freemason symbol.
Bassnectar Illuminati
The all-seeing eye on the elephants forehead plus lightening bolts, the latter representing Zeus. Lightening bolts are often used in music promotional material and videos and is one of the pagan symbols the Freemasons like to use.
Bassnectar Illuminati?
That is a Freemason hand sign. See this.
Bassnectar Illuminati
If you can focus on the photos for long enough you will see a single eye in the last E of FREE, a Baphomet shape in the bird, the winged sun shape behind the astronaut and some Zeus lightning bolts. The most interesting element of this lot is the sun with the single eye and the beams of light coming down and hitting the ground in a mountainous area. This, we believe, is at the heart of the ludicrous mindset of these Illumed ones, which Bassnectar may or may not be. We shall disclose what we know about this idea of a sun or planet beaming down to mountains once our hits get high enough. If you want to know what it is, spread this blog far and wide.
Bassnectar Illuminati
The triangle is representative of the Egyptian pyramids and is an Illuminati symbol. The golden things in a semi-circle remind us of the seating arrangement at a United Nations meeting...or maybe at Astana, the new Masonic city in Kazavstan, where there is a pyramid shaped building. What a weird place? What kind of psychopath would think power could come out their hand? You must seen the video.
Bassnectar Illuminati?
Monarch mind control is symbolised in the music and fashion industries with the use of butterflies.
Bassnectar Illuminati
Not only an all-seeing eye but a harlequin floor. Well, almost. The many hands could be indicative of several pagan monsters or gods. Why is a dj proselytising for mythology?
Bassnectar Illuminati
Proselytising for mythology again with the many handed monster. This image has a multitude of single eyes covering the mound shape. The monster also has an all-seeing eye as well as a butterfly head, which could represent Monarch Programming.
Bassnectar Illuminati
Bingo! Oops....
The all-seeing eye inside the triangle. It cannot get much more Illuminati than that. But that is just our opinion of course.
Bassnectar Illuminati
The many copies of Bassnectar is reminiscent of the shattered mirror, which we believe symbolised the many faces of the dj. Could this image refer to MK Ultra's mind control programming?
Bassnectar Illuminati
Many hands again representing, we believe, paganism, which is nothing frightening in itself. The black and white triangle dead centre would certainly raise suspicions amongst the conspiracy theory population of the earth. Black and white can be indicative of a Masonic floor and is commonly used by initiates. The fact there are black and white shapes at the top and the bottom of this image could also indicate polarity...ying and yang....good and evil. Again, what is a dj proselytising for religion for and why is this theme so common in the music industry?
Bassnectar Illuminati
Both hands showing the Masonic hand sign, Zeus lightning strikes, all seeing eyes and, to remind you of it, the United Nations style logo in the background.
Bassnectar Freemasons
All-seeing eye dead centre. Could the use of the magnifying glass also represent spying...intruding....watching? The eye is in the middle of the world? Spying on the whole world? New World Order eat your heart out, not that we're into eating hearts or anything. That's the main course at Bohemian Grove.
Bassnectar Freemasons
Can you imagine raving wearing those masks? Could you imagine kissing in them? Or making love? Cuddling even? Any form of human skin to skin contact? We are shuddering at the thought of a world in which people dressed and lived like that. Transhumanism is BIG in the music industry because that is where the Illuminati wants to take us. We will be very easy to control and switch off then. They don't care that we won't be able to cuddle anymore. They're not into cuddling so don't see the benefit of it. Pyschopaths don't do love. They do sex, killing, manipulating, lying, cheating and destroying. Oh, and getting to the top. They don't do cuddling and therefore cuddle ability does not come into the human condition of the future. Besides, most people are content cuddling and caressing their smartphones so maybe no-one will miss it anyway. They're halfway there already.
Don't miss the sideways G in the centre, which looks very much like the G of Freemasonry
or the columned look of the speakers.
Bassnectar Freemasons
All-seeing eye, Zeus lightning bolts, United Nations style logo, triangle shaped strobes in opposite directions (good and evil) world in a cage....imprisoned....controlled. Why is that suited to a party?
Bassnectar Freemasons
The hypnotised (or MK Ultra controlled) people are in control of the world while wearing their Masonic black and white and with fingers resembling the United Nations logo.
Bassnectar Freemasons
Is anyone still with us? We're getting tired, we don't know about you.
Down pointing triangle representing the occult. The tree, we feel, does not represent the tree of life but the tree of knowledge of good and evil. EDM does not just put on a party; it puts on a religious gathering.
Bassnectar Freemasons
The big sun could indicate sun worship, which is big amongst those daft Freemasons. The pyramid in the middle has an all-seeing eye plus a United Nations style logo.
Bassnectar Freemasons
A pyramidal construction with a glowing light at the top, which represents the light of the world...the knowing one....god or the dj...or the Illuminati. If you want to find out the truth about pyramids and help wipe the cocky smerk off the Illuminati and their many dj puppets, please pass on this blog. Once the hits get high enough, we shall reveal all. This is not a money-making blog and never will be.
Bassnectar Illuminati
All seeing eye almost hidden in the's black. Triangle form enclosing the eye.
Bassnectar Illuminati
If only we had a maginifying glass we would be able to work out every last subliminal message in this image. Starting at the top, Bassnectar is god in the middle of the two logos, which represent the speakers but mostly the columns of Freemasonry...we believe. The pyramid, the all-seeing eye and the alien looking thing on the right. Expect an ever increasing amount of alien stories in the news as the Illuminati is likely to get everyone living in fear of them and day the news is full of a landing. Oh no...what do we do?! Become one people.....join up....forget national sovereignty....give me an RFID chip now!!! Save me from the aliens!!! Bingo....New World Order.
The TBA at the bottom has the A in a predictable triangle. We've seen it so many times before just like that....As, Vs...
Bassnectar Illuminati
This one is a worry. It is in fact extremely sinister. Gasmasks on a party poster? Is this voluntary disclosure? Are we soon to need gasmasks? Or are we soon to be gassed? Does this correlate with the these??? Is that voluntary disclosure, the thing the Illuminati likes to do...tell us what it's about to do to us? Would it be possible to program the minds of the military to get it to kill its own people? Yes. The djs of the world have, we believe, been programmed to be slaves to the Illuminati agenda. Soldiers will be no different. Wake up.
More on MTV being Illuminati here.
Bassnectar Illuminati
Butterflies....Monarch programming?
Bassnectar Illuminati
Black and white checkerboard shirt...very Masonic...just like Guy Gerber.
Bassnectar Illuminati
Not one but two Masonic hand signs.
Bassnectar Illuminati
Bassnectar Illuminati
Split personality due to MK Ultra mind control?
Here he is on his Facebook page droning on about the beauty of the single eye and how it has absolutely nothing to do with the Illuminati....and a bit more voluntary disclosure?
For the record, while I am sure there are united elite bankers doing all kinds of things to pull the puppet strings of modern culture, I do not really beleive in the Hocus Pocus of the "Illuminati"...anything that deep and twisted is going to be seriously covered up and you are giving yourself too much credit if you think YOU of all people have it figured out.
Should we assume this is insider confirmation that the Illuminati's puppet masters are the international bankers who wish to brand us all with a barcode, have us all indebted for life (cash cows), monitor our ever move and thought (coming to a police station near you) and switch off our transhumanist heart when we are no longer profitable? Ok, so we ran away with it a bit there....
There are four words in this entire post that say more to us than all of the rest put together.
'YOU of all people'
This is the biggest red flag for the Illuminati. The Illuminati attracts puppets (it probably never recruits new members...only offspring) who think they're bloody brilliant and better than most other people. It attracts people who wish to be adored by the masses. It attracts people who see themselves at the top of the social hierarchy. It attracts people who would make condescending remarks about ordinary people. It probably also conditions its puppets to believe ordinary people are stupid, worthless, useless, inferior, etc, much like any other religion. Please always bare in mind that the Illuminati plans on removing 90% of the world's population and it needs to instill almost disdain for ordinary people in its members and puppets. The Illuminati is planning an Armageddon and it needs its people to see YOU as significant as an ant. Who would feel compelled to save a colony of ants....who would cry over a dead ant? You are an ant...a useless them.
Bassnectar.....what is so inadequate about your fans? Why would they be incapable of working something out? Why would you insult the very people who have made you lots of money and treated you like the god you wished to be?
Could you have imagined there could be so much evidence to prove Bassnectar is not only affiliated in some way with the Illuminati but an insulting liar to boot? Of course, this is just the evidence. You have to make your own informed conclusions.
Is Bassnectar a member of the Illuminati, a mind controlled slave of the Illuminati or an ordinary person with no connection to the Illuminati? We at AI believe he is a slave to it as will all djs. They probably think they are a part of it but, in reality, they are just button twitching ego maniacs who have proven themselves to be untrustworthy. Why would the Illuminati wish to welcome people like that in? They are performing a task...nothing more...and their job will one day be done and they will then become surplus to requirements. Their god status will be reneged and they will be treated in the way they corrupt fools. The sad thing is that maybe many of them are not aware they are now programmed having said with knees bent and hands clasped, 'Oh yes, do what is needed, I will do anything to be famous!'.
Bassnectar we, at Anonymous Ibiza, believe you have been rumbled.
But defend yourself here if you can.
If this post struck a cord, please pass it on in whatever way you can.
Please read the blog's opening post.
that´ll put him in the right place,
ReplyDeletemore on Amnesia
The djs have had their time on the pedestal. Their fall from grace is nigh. They will all live to regret allowing their egos to take over them. They will especially regret having their photos taken looking like cult leaders with their heads back and arms outstretched. They will be hated vociferously at first but, in time, will become a laughing stock. We will deserve the therapy that will bring as we have been deceived like no generations before. The djs who speak out honestly first will retain some of their dignity and our respect. The ones to come out last will be brutalised, metaphorically speaking...or maybe not.
DeleteHey, I was just at Nocturnal Wonderland 2016, Bassnectar had a good set, it was dark. and You know what shirt he was wearing? Baphomet and, the Pentagram. Of course he is. I agree with you. They all are.
ReplyDelete100 percent true, see thru the veil... He only serves dasani and coke products at his shows, he knows people take immense amounts of psychedelics at his shows.... This is all properly placed
ReplyDeleteYou are at the bottom of a well 1000 miles deep. No matter how loud you scream, no one will ever hear your voice. Nobody believes you. You will make no impact, no change, no impact on the universe. When you pass on, nobody will remember you or what you wrote. They will always remember us.
ReplyDelete1100 hits from Facebook today is hardly screaming at the bottom of the well. We are David. You are Goliath.